Global Projects


Harmon & Carolyn... naturally! Harmon and Carolyn have a global mission that is the foundation of their personal and business vision.  They are indeed dedicated to the support and restoration of the global family, one country, one community and one family at a time.  With this dedication in mind, they have recently launched two major projects on behalf of the global Human Family, as it is defined in the 1948 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. 


The World Wide Web Court of Public Justice


Conceived and authored by Harmon Wilfred, The World Wide Web Court of Public Justice is born out of Harmon's 16 year challenge in the political systems and family courts of the United States and Canada where he finally came to the conclusion that the Human Family requires a greater voice in the world to balance the power of democratic governments gone astray of their assignment to lead and govern in the best interests of the people.  This voice comes through a long standing partnership between the Human Family and its global Media organizations that have evolved together to create the most effective conscience for democratic government the world has ever known.   Want to know more?  You may access this amazing interactive venue and voice of the Human Family through the following link: 

The World Wide Web Court of Public Justice is now in session at

PRESS RELEASE,  DEC 22, 2004 ...  New International Justice System Tries First Cases  

La Famia:    A Community Based "Family Care" Centre


Through Carolyn's training as an Early Childhood Learning teacher and Harmon's upbringing in a family of six children and his dedication to child care and children's issues throughout his life, they have recently embarked on the development of a community / family care concept they have coined "La Famia", The Family.   La Famia is a concept of family care that involves a centralized Community Centre facility available for the interaction of the entire community for the care of the elderly, pre-school and school age assistance for the children, and a place where the traditions of child rearing and all family issues can be shared and members nurtured in the larger scope of family. 


The basic premise of La Famia is that all members of the global family have value and knowledge to offer each subsequent generation.  This concept proposes to bring into the active workforce the existing generations of care givers who have raised their children and then, by professionalizing their skills and offering their knowledge and experience to the current and future generations of parents and children, raising the standard of child and family care management to new heights.  This essentially restores the self worth of existing and future generations of parents while creating a new community profession and venue, to impart the much needed parenting wisdom from generation to generation.  After all, what more important profession is there than the proper raising of each new generation?


Harmon and Carolyn founded the La Famia Foundation NZ as a New Zealand charitable trust. This non-profit organization is the primary contributor and facilitator to this innovative family / community focused concept. The first pilot facility for the La Famia Foundation is to be established in Christchurch, New Zealand   

Click here to play the La Famia Theme Song!

MPEG Layer 3 Audio La Famia!
MPEG Layer 3 Audio: 3.82 MB, 9.5 minutes @ 56kbps


  The New Zealand Family!





Real People Serving Real People ...... La Famia!   



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