Memoirs Down Under
During a time of deep contemplation somewhere in South Island Middle Earth, there is an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia and a burning need to write it all down and share it with the world. I have been told that my life is stranger than fiction, and should you choose to read the historical account of the last 25 years of my travels in the Lumina Diem documentary web site, it may indeed challenge your sense of reality as it most certainly has challenged mine.
Born in the United States of America, as a child and a young man I was always taught that living in "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" was an honor and a privilege, and my pledge of allegiance to the flag of my country every day in school meant more than you could ever know. Imagine my shock and disbelief as an adult as I climbed the ladder of freedom and justice for all to restore my stolen rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, even to the US Justice Department and the Office of the President of the United States, I discovered that for me, freedom and justice in America ... was all a lie. One simple statement told it all when the President's attorney said to me, "Of course the US government is corrupt.... What do you want me to do Harmon, get them all fired?" Oh how I wanted to believe this was not true, and I wept tears of anger and anguish at such a harsh reality. However, of this you can be certain; I have not given up on my basic human right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and it is my greatest hope that there are many in the United States of America and elsewhere in the world who will join me in the fight for freedom and justice for the entire Human Family.
As I now begin to share my story of the agony and the ecstasy of the blessings and the curses of this life, and the hope that I continue to hold for my children and all of the generations of mankind, I will never give up challenging the hearts of men and women to stand firm in the belief that we are all a family, and as such we must always love and support each other across all boundaries of geography, race, creed, color and every difference that we hold dear in the diversity of human kind.
In the Tolkien tradition of story telling from another earthy realm, I will now tell my story from the point of view of an outsider, dissociating even myself from the chronology of time to provide an entertaining and revealing tale of this earthly realm. The name of my life's story is "The Usarian Dream". As in all good stories, this one begins with my favorite opening that I always enjoyed hearing as a child, and telling as a father to my own children .... "Once upon a time ......"
The “Usarian Dream” ….. An E-Book
By Harmon Wilfred
NOW AVAILABLE! Read the latest manuscript summary:
The Harmon Wilfred Story - introduction and summary, Oct 7, 2017
- A 12 chapter autobiographical prelude "Tolkien style" from birth to 1973
- A bulleted autobiographical summary from 1973 to present, including:
- CIA covert "asset' assignment under the Clinton administration, 1996-2000
- Reported to the US DOJ in 2000 on CIA/Clinton fraud and money laundering
- Escape and exile to New Zealand
The above biographical prelude is an e-book progression of twelve introductory chapters to the adventures of my biographical / historical novel told Tolkien style followed by a full autobiographical summary of the final maunscript in progress. I must say, even I cannot wait to get into the accounts of the continuing odyssey of my life's story battling government corruption and standing up to the evil in Usaria to finally win the day and restore my relationships with my three children. Please drop in often and I will be providing updates on my progress for the completion of this amazing story of covert intrigue, international banking and billion dollar embezzlement, all done in the "interests of national security"; a great line but a bit overused in Usarian government circles.
In as much as I have always enjoyed a good story beginning with, "Once upon a time ..... ," I will enjoy even more when the battle is won and I can complete this biographical novel with the words of my children's favorite conclusion to every good story, "And they all lived happily ever after!" Hoping to see you in Middle Earth!
Warmest regards to you all!
Harmon Wilfred